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Monday, May 05, 2008

Planted Hyacinth Bean Seeds

This morning I planted a hill of Hyacinth Beans (Dolichos lablab) on one of the trellis north of the house.

A beautiful twining legume, this entire plant is ornamental--the deep red stems and glossy veiny foliage bear an airy cascade of delicate, inch-long lilac-rose blossoms. Ruby-purple beanpods, 3 inches long, arise beneath the flowers over a long season. For a colorful ornamental display, Hyacinth Bean is unsurpassed! The blooms arise all summer, and the beans mature in 80 days from a spring sowing in full sun. Give this plant something to climb and watch it take off! It reaches 10 feet tall.

Planted Malabar Spinach Seeds

This morning I planted a hill of Malabar Red Stem Spinach (Basella alba Red Stem) on one of the trellis north of the house.

This ornamental spinach keeps you in tasty greens all summer! The red stems really jazz up the plate!

The thick, dark green leaves of this edible ornamental provide tasty greens throughout the summer, when traditional spinach will not grow. The mild flavor makes Red Stem equally good cooked or fresh, and is more palatable to children than the peppery cool-season varieties.

Heat-loving and vigorous, these attractive plants reach 6 feet or more if trained on a bean tower, trellis, lamppost, or any vertical structure with some porousness for twining. The plants sport scarlet stems that contrast beautifully with the deep green of the thick, broad leaves. Many people grow Red Stem for purely ornamental purposes, but there's a lot of good eating on this productive plant!

Harvest in 55 days - June 29th.

Friday, May 02, 2008

Planted Acorn Squash Seeds

This morning I planted a hill of Acorn Squash (Calabacin de Invierno Bellota hibrida tempranera) north of the house.

Early and space-saving! Bush type hybrids can be planted 3' apart. Productive plants bear 5 large, dark green fruits.

Orange-yellow flesh is sweet, nutty and has a smooth texture. Burpee bred. 25 seeds per packet, will plant 6 groups. Proven tops for performance, flavor, and wide adaptability. Sun.

Ready for harvest in 75 days - July 16th.

Planted Yellow Squash Seeds

This morning I planted two hills of Yellow Squash seeds north of the house.

Planted Cilantro/Corriander Seeds

This morning I planted Cilantro seeds in two of the small triangle beds north of the house.