Frog Statues Moved to New Home

This year we have moved the frog statues to the planter south of the house. They are nestled in with the Schefflera and look very much at home.
Today I planted some of the herb seeds: dill, chives, parsley and cilantro. I also planted the eucalyptus and Marguerite daisy. All of the seeds were started in Scott's Potting Soil for Seed Starting Mixture. This is the first time we've tried this product.
Today was the first time we have seen any of the purple martins. Usually they arrive during the middle part of February. Two martins flew past the martin house several times, chirping loudly as they passed. We did not see them land on the bird house.
This afternoon I planted seeds for the Dwarf Batchelor Buttons in the planter on the redwood deck. I planted the seeds in Miracle Grow Potting Soil. Some of the plants will remain in the planter. Others will be used in other places
This afternoon, I took cuttings from the Dew Plant and began to root some new plants. The new plants will be used as a ground cover for the pots with the two Schefflera trees.
The weather report calls for a cold front to come in tonight. The expected temperature is 36 degrees tonight and 34 tomorrow night. By the weekend they are projecting a high in the low 80's. We decided that it would be a good idea to bring all the plants back inside for the next couple of days, until it warms up again.
I've always liked the way that Poblano Peppers look when I see them at the grocery stores. However; I've never been able to find either seeds or plants. This year I will try to germinate seeds that came from some of the dried Poblano Peppers that were sold at Wal Mart. Today I planted some of the seeds into starter pots to see if they will germinate.